Writing Over Time

Andre Newton-Carter - Writing Over TimeThese pages are a tribute to my father – Andre Newton-Carter. Born 12th June 1919 in Hove Sussex, died 19th January 1978. He probably wished he had done more writing because he was great at it. He was also great at public speaking and everything he did he made a success. I am a little envious of him and hope that I have inherited just a few of his qualities. He was in Burma during the war and he never spoke of it. But from what I can gather from numerous reports I researched, it was a gruelling experience. Nicknamed “The Forgotten Army” because this was a neglected theatre of the second world war, most men died from disease, malnutrition and exhaustion.

He had a strong character. When he walked into a room full of people everything would go silent and he would have everyone’s attention. He would often break the ice with humour and it was not uncommon for him to have everyone in stitches. He certainly made my brother and I laugh all the time. He was a cynic. But an incredibly funny cynic. We, Chris and I, were a little afraid of him actually. He was authoratative, sure of himself, sure of his facts. As I said before, a great talker and a great speaker. A wonderful father. His one resounding lesson to us was “integrity”. Always be honest. And he set a fine example of that. He was always straight with people. Always the same. The words of Rudyard Kipling applied appropriately to him, “…if you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch…” That was my father. He loved me and tried so hard for me even though I made it hard for him to do so. Everyone loved him. They came to him for advice. They came to him for help. He never let them down. He never let me down.

Anyway, here are few pages of his writing, and pictures of his favorite haunts.

National Benzole
The National Benzole Co. Ltd. 50 years anniversary – Published in bought space in all National papers

Should Creative Directors Be Middle Class?

Walking on the Waters Edge

Strawberry Dream

Coming Of Age

Prayer At Niagara


These picture are of HENDON, MIDDLESEX where I grew up. Some were taken before we arrived there when I was 5 years old but it wasn’t so different.There is a SLIDESHOW control in the top right hand corner of the picture. This will save you opening and closing each one.



These pictures are of EAST SUSSEX, ANGMERING-ON-SEA, LITTLEHAMPTON AND RUSTINGTON, We spent most of our Summer holidays here as young children.


ChrisMotherDadGrandparents (Mums side)Small random selection of family pics.