
When you want something so badly that it becomes a major distraction and hope in your life, and then you don't get it, it is easy to become despairing, woeful and angry, dismissing the greater forces that brought this denial into your life. It may help to remember that your thoughts and desires resonate and echo in a flourishing and fertile universe of possibilities. Often not getting what you want can be the best thing that ever happened to you. Remember, the universal forces, of which you are a part, always work in your favour, whatever the outcome. Be patient, bide your time, and know that there is something even better round the corner.

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There are simple Natural Laws by which everything in the Universe is governed. They are Immutable despite our interference and disruption. The Universe and our own planetary nature exist in perfect harmony by virtue of these Laws. Understanding, applying and aligning ourselves with them can and will transform human existence. There is no other solution.

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Thought is energy, energy is vibration which oscillates if used rythmically, such as chanting a mantra. This is why we should be careful with repeated phrases like, “just my luck” or “if you do that you’ll hurt yourself” or “I never win anything”. Our own thoughts are the hardest thing to control. Stepping outside ourselves and observing our thoughts can be achieved through breathing exercises. By focusing on the breathing we can find peace in the space between thoughts, if only for a few seconds or less. But through practice these spaces become longer and it is in these spaces that we develop conscious awareness.

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Being aware of your breath forces you into the present moment - the gateway to all inner transformation. Whenever you are conscious of the breath, you are absolutely present. This space enables you to see yourself from the outside. This is the key to self-awareness and the effect you have on the world at large, the road to self-improvement. This awareness can be life-changing.

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Thoughts without focus or intention are passing thoughts. If you think of a penguin it doesn’t mean you will become a penguin, obviously. Focused thought with intention and repetition can invoke a change within you to accommodate that thought. For example, if you say to yourself every day, with conviction, that you are a success, then you will be. If you say, I will be a success, then you probably wont be because in your statement there is a projection into the future, the invocation will always be out of reach. If you say I will win the lottery, it may never happen, there is more chance if you say, I have won the lottery. If you say I am a horse, even with conviction and repetition the vibrational power of the thought may not be enough to activate the transmutation needed for such a complex change. However, imagination makes nothing impossible!

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Your body is merely the house for your mind to dwell in. If your mind has been corrupted or deceived by some visible or invisible adversary into a certain belief that does not resonate with the true spirit of your universal presence, you can inadvertently manifest this as dis-ease, and over time, the insidious intensity of inner discord can result in illness and death.
Through the acknowledgement of love as the ultimate universal force, you can begin to heal the wound in your body caused by incongruity and imbalance. You must learn to love yourself before can love anyone else. To love yourself does not mean self-adoration. It means to understand that you are a manifestation of Love on Earth. Through pure, unconditional love, you have infinite power to bring happiness to youself and others. If this were your sole purpose, it would not be a wasted life.

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The past and the future are only present moments that have gone or are to come. Within the fleeting moment of NOW, lies infinity. On the attainment of nirvana, or a pure state of being, this infinite present is realized. In life, death is merely one of these moments, and beyond this fleeting moment, is life of a new kind, ecstatic, familiar and natural to our liberated soul.

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Nirvana The ultimate realization and a new beginning - a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and we are released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. A complete assimilation with nature, spiritual freedom, the embodiment of love and a sublime state of liberation. You have finally arrived at the place from which your journey began.

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